Faronics DeepFreeze

- Faronics DeepFreeze is a system software that would enable students to test their game installers .
How it works
- The general workflow is students will create their game installers and test it against these PCs, and identify the missing libraries required by their installers.
- Upon reboot, the PC will revert to it's original snapshot, enabling the students to test the installer again.
- PC will revert to original state upon reboot (protected by Faronics Deepfreeze) so that other students can test their games installation.
- For further assistance please contact IT Helpdesk @ helpdesk.sg@digipen.edu or DID 6577-1945
- UserID: .\games
- Password: digigames
How to access network drives?
- Click Start
- Type Run. Press enter.
- For Home Drive Y:\ type
- For Courses Drive N:\ type
- For Student Drive S:\ type
- When prompted with credentials enter your username as below
Installer for OBS alternative to FRAPS.
- Go to Student drive and install obs, see path.
Distribution of Licenses